
Group Admin Guidelines


Group Admin Guidelines

Group Admin FAQs

What is a Group Admin?

When you create an Answer Group, you are by default the Group Admin, which entails certain responsibilities including writing group rules, managing membership, and moderating content.

What privileges does a Group Admin have?

Group Admins have the ability to:

  • Manage group description and guidelines
  • Approve or deny membership requests (if the group is Invite-only)
  • Remove questions and answers
  • Remove members from the group
  • Moderate flagged content (ie. question or answers)
  • Request deletion of a group
  • Request group name change
Can a Group Admin manage a group using voice?

A Group Admin can only perform group management activities on the website.

What happens if a Group Admin becomes inactive?

Groups rely on active admins to moderate content and members. If an admin becomes inactive, the Answer Groups team may seek a new Group Admin or else the group risks becoming archived. If a group is archived, the existing content in the group remains available on the website and via Alexa, but no new content can be created.

What happens if a Group Admin misbehaves?

Group members can report the admin of their group to the Answer Groups team for any concerning behavior. If a Group Admin is found to be in violation of the Community Guidelines or Amazon Conditions of Use, the Group Admin may receive a warning. If a Group Admin is warned multiple times, the Group Admin will be removed from the group and potentially banned from the site.

Can a Group Admin manage a group using voice?

A Group Admin can only perform group management activities on the website.

Group Admin Guidelines

Groups rely on active Group Admins to ensure the group stays safe and trustworthy for group members and Alexa users. As such, we expect all Group Admins to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Groups Admins should be an example for their group members, and follow the Answer Groups Community Guidelines.
  2. Group Admins are expected to moderate content according to the Answer Groups Content Policy.
  3. Group Admins should never harass or bully any group member via messages directed at another user in a question or answer, through overly moderating a group member’s content, or with unjustified warnings sent to a group member.
  4. Group Admins are expected to remain active within their group. If a Group Admin expects they can no longer keep up with the duties of managing the group, the Group Admin can request the group be archived or else help find a replacement Group Admin.

Group Admin Moderation Capabilities

How does a Group Admin moderate suspect or reported content within a group?

Suspect questions or answers flagged by group members or our automated content moderation system will be displayed under the “Moderation” tab within the group. A Group Admin has the option to dismiss the flag, or reject the question or answer. Content flagged by group members will still be visible within the group unless the content is reported by at least five members. Prohibited content blocked by the automated system will not be made available for review by the Group Admin.

How does an admin remove content in the group that isn’t already flagged?

When browsing the group, a Group Admin has the option to flag a question or answer directly on that page. The content will no longer be visible within the group.

What options are available to an admin if a group member misbehaves?

If a member of a group is misbehaving or disruptive, a Group Admin has the option to send a warning to the user. This can be done during user moderation from the “Moderation” tab within the group. A Group Admin can also visit the “Members” tab to send a warning to a user.
If a member has received at least 3 warnings and continues to misbehave or be disruptive, a Group Admin has the option to remove the member from the group. For Open membership groups, a user cannot rejoin once removed. For Invite-only membership groups, a user must be invited by a Group Admin to rejoin.
A Group Admin can also visit a member’s profile to report the member to the Answer Groups team for review. If the team finds that a user is in violation of the Community Guidelines or Amazon Conditions of Use, the user may be warned, suspended, or banned from the site.

How does a Group Admin moderate suspect or reported users within a group?

Suspect users reported by group members or our automated content moderation system will be displayed under the “Moderation” tab within the group. A Group Admin has the option to dismiss the flag, send a warning, or remove the user from the group.

How can a Group Admin remove a user from a group that hasn’t been reported?

A Group Admin can visit the “Members” tab to remove a user from a group.