
Community Guidelines


Community Guidelines

Guidelines for Answer Groups Participation

We want the Answer Groups community to be respectful and helpful and we created these guidelines help foster such a community. These Community Guidelines, in addition to the Amazon Conditions of Use, are meant to instruct community members on the rules and expectations of participating in Answer Groups.

We take the integrity of the Answer Groups seriously. Any attempt to manipulate Answer Groups content or features, including by contributing offensive, misleading, or commercial content, is strictly prohibited. If you violate our Guidelines, we may restrict your ability to use Community features, remove content, or suspend or terminate your account.

We encourage anyone who suspects that content manipulation is taking place or that our Guidelines are being violated in any way to use the applicable reporting feature for the content or a user. We investigate concerns thoroughly and take any appropriate actions.

By accessing or using our Answer Groups features, you agree to the Amazon Conditions of Use and to abide by these Guidelines as modified from time to time. These Guidelines apply to any content (such as Questions or Answers) you create or submit on Answer Groups and actions you take (such as creating groups, rating answers, flagging answers, or flagging questions) when using Answer Groups features. These Guidelines also apply to your interactions with other members of the Answer Groups community.

Note: Additional guidelines apply to Group Admins. Please see our Group Admin Guidelines for more information.


All Amazon customers in the United States or Canada with an Amazon account are eligible to participate on answergroups.amazon.com. Participation is voluntary. Amazon customers may become ineligible to participate if these Community Guidelines or the Amazon Conditions of Use are violated.

Be Helpful, Relevant, and Appropriate

Answer Groups is intended to provide helpful, relevant, and appropriate knowledge to Alexa users. Content you submit should be relevant and based on your own knowledge and experience.

  • Questions must be relevant to the group in which they are asked.
  • Answers must be relevant to the question asked and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
  • Questions and Answers should be appropriate for the Alexa user audience (see the Content Policy below and the Amazon Conditions of Use).
  • Any ratings submitted on answers should improve Alexa’s knowledge and response to questions.
  • Any flags made on groups, questions, or answers should identify legitimately inappropriate content.
  • Any reports made on Group Admins or community members should have reasonable cause.

Respect Others

Amazon values diverse opinions, so you may disagree or take issue with some content that you come across. Keep in mind that something that may be disagreeable or inaccurate to you may not violate our Guidelines. In order to maintain a welcoming environment for all community members, your participation in the Community must always be respectful of others. In particular:

  • We do not permit community members impersonating other people or organizations or pretending to be someone or something you're not.
  • We do not permit community members using Answer Groups to send messages or requests to other people through answers or question submission.
  • We do not permit community member attempts to drown out other people's content, including by posting from multiple accounts or coordinating with others.
  • We do not permit community members duplicating and submitting previously submitted answers without improving them.
  • We do not permit community members using Answer Groups to manipulate ratings or feedback to increase the status of their account or their content or decrease the status of another community member.

Content Policy

We use this policy to ensure we are providing Alexa users with factual and helpful answers, and that content on the site is safe and enjoyable for all.

Some types of content are considered prohibited and are not tolerated on Answer Groups. Prohibited content includes but is not limited to:

  • Illegal Activity such as content that encourages or supports behavior that is illegal, including fraud, illegal drug use, underage drinking, or child or animal abuse.
  • Violent Content such as content that advocates, threatens, or jokes about physical or financial harm to yourself or others, including terrorism; content that encourages or supports the dangerous misuse of a product; or content posted intentionally as sarcasm as it relates to self-harm or harm to others.
  • Disruptive Content such as content containing divisive language or biased messages on sensitive topics meant to cause disruption in the community
  • Hateful and Discriminatory Content such as content that targets specific groups based on race, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, nationality, disability, and age, with the intention to undermine, demean, or spread hate or violence. This includes content that promotes organizations with such views.
  • Highly Offensive Content such as content that is vulgar or obscene, or contains profanities directed at another person.
  • Sexual Content such as content that is explicit, pornographic, or lewd.
  • Medical Misinformation such as content that provides false or misleading advice or information on medical conditions or medications for humans or animals.
  • General Misinformation such as content that is intentionally misleading or manipulative, conspiracy theories, or fringe theories.
  • Spam Content such as advertisements or solicitation (whether direct or indirect); content offering fraudulent goods, services, schemes, or promotions (e.g., make-money-fast schemes, pyramid schemes). Links to phishing or other malware sites are also prohibited.

Groups, questions, or answers containing prohibited content will be removed, and the appropriate action will be taken against the users posting such content.

We also ask that you refrain from posting inappropriate content such as:

  • Offensive Content such as content that is rude or contains mild profanities.
  • Polarizing Content such as subjective content that invites extremely polarizing opinions or controversial responses.
  • Personal Information such as content that seeks or provides other people's phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, or other personal information. This includes posting your own contact information.
  • Advice on Regulated Topics such as content seeking or providing financial, legal, or medical advice.

If you are posting inappropriate content or exhibiting general abusive behavior, you may receive a warning. If the behavior continues your account will be suspended. Community members may be blocked from using the site permanently if they continually violate our Community Guidelines or Amazon Conditions of Use.

It is also important to keep in mind that the intention of Answer Groups is for knowledge sharing. There are certain content areas which we discourage from being shared to the site. However, we leave the removal of such content to the discretion of the individual Group Admin.

  • Jokes as long as the content is not offensive or delivered at the expense of another person.
  • Subjective Content such as questions that ask for opinions, recommendations, or advice in acceptable categories. As stated above, we do not allow subjective content that invites polarizing opinions. We also do not allow content that seeks or offers financial, legal, or medical advice.

Infringing Content

Don't post content that infringes the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of others. Only post your own original content or content that you have permission to use. You can report intellectual property infringement by contacting Amazon Support with the following information: (1) A physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest; (2) A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed upon; (3) A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the site (for example, a screenshot or copy/paste of the question and answer you claim is infringing); (4) Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address; (5) A statement by you that you have a good-faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (6) A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.

Reporting Bad Content or Abuse

For some types of content, including questions and answers, you can report possible violations of these Guidelines by clicking the "Flag" icon near the content and indicating the reason you believe it violates these Guidelines. In the case of reporting other community members you may do so by visiting the user’s profile page and clicking on the Report User link. If you receive an offer for compensation of any kind (including free or discounted products, refunds, or reimbursements) in exchange for creating, modifying, or posting content in violation of these Guidelines, contact us using the "Help" link, share the offer, including contact information.